Nosce Te Ipsum | Know thyself

2001 - Present

Here's a bit to have to say about myself.

My name is Diego A. Soto, and I'm lucky enough to be alive in the 21st century. Recently, I earned the oppurtunity to educate K-12 students about programming. I'm majoring in Technological Leadership at ASU. So I'm an instructor by trade, and I'm a student at ASU. I ask you: are you defined only by your livelihood? your clothes? your house? your devices?

I look around and I fear that we prioritze conformity which extends to valuing the superficial all while we've forgotten how to fear complacency, be compassionate, and ridicule hate. We are the only ones in control of our dutry, our honor, and our community. We each live as in a globalized world, where art and science can be distributed by anyone with a working internet connection. Because of this, now more than ever, we are exposed to more diverse influence than any other era of humankind has experienced...

Broadcasting,social media, and entertainment platorms are all competing for our attention. What I fear even more is that we lack the basic civility to hear each other out in a transparent, open-minded manner. Not only that, but that we lack any hope in ourselves... at a personal, communal, and societal level. And it's all for good reason: we spend time on social media because we enjoy it, we get our news from people that we trust without thinking twice about what is being summarized. I'm not here to judge. All I can say is that those who do not learn from history, are doomed to believe that nothing can change.

Besides being an educator and a student, I try to be genuine and use my time to get to know what people genuinely care about.... but I also like to be a musician, a creator, a programmer, a leader, a learner, a teacher, a philosopher, a reader, a gamer, a nerd, a cinephile, a pacifist, a humanist, a dreamer, an optimistic futurist... and still discovering that I can be so much more. I know what you're probably thinking: "Pretentious should probably be up there. Latin and a bunch of labels? Think you're deep?..." and maybe it's well deserved. A list of labels are one thing. Hard proofs... actions, knowledge, & exeperiences, are another. But if you've known me for any time at all, you know that this isn't pretend. It's me. Unapologetically, genuinely, just me. Why? Dive into my page and let me show you.